Evo-Stik Wall Tile Grout White 500g
Evo-Stik white Tile A Wall Fast Set Grout For Ceramic Tiles is a cement-based powder grouting material, suitable for finishing joints of internal and external ceramic tile installations. When set, Evo-Stik Tile A Wall Fast Set Grout For Ceramic Tiles is completely water-resistant and will not wash out of joints. It is recommended for joints up to about 3 mm wide.
Suitable for ceramics, mosaics and natural stone walls, ideal for interior uses including kitchens, bathrooms and showers, it is easy to mix with water and sets to leave a professional finish that is resistant to mould growth.
1kg of powder, when mixed, will grout approximately 5m². Coverage is dependent on the nature of the substrate, the adhesive bed thickness and the type of tile.